EPAfrica invests in partner schools both financially and through hours of volunteer time. Our programmes are delivered by our highly-trained Project Workers working in collaboration with the management, teachers, students and communities of our partner schools. We don't teach. We invest.


Working closely with schools and communities for at least two years, to prioritise needs and ensure initiatives add long-lasting value.


Funding and managing deployment of materials and local trade to respond to each school’s unique circumstances for a holistic programme of investment.


Developing the skills of young people in the UK through our grassroots international development and volunteer-led structure.

Our Goals

We believe that delivering good education is not possible without basic resources such as books to read or equipment to carry out simple experiments.
But a good school offers much more than just good resources, and we appreciate that a holistic approach is essential.
Our Goals therefore encompass initiatives as diverse as improving access to extra-curricular activities, setting up a newly stocked school library, or ensuring students have access to key health information. We draw on the knowledge and expertise of the school management, staff, students and the wider community to make sure that we focus on what is really needed and that our interventions are sustainable. We have five clearly defined Goals that set out what we strive to achieve.

Facilitate Learning

Improve Student Health

Support Student Welfare & Rights

Realise Post-Secondary Opportunities

Strengthen School Organisation

Our Impact in East Africa

For over 25 years, EPAfrica has continued to make positive impacts in East Africa, as demonstrated by testimonies from our network of alumni schools.

When EPAfrica came, we had a building. Now, we have a library and a lab. Actually, some parents who came to the school appreciate it and say they’ll send their children here next year.
Partner School Headteacher
The school’s MSS (the average measure of students’ performance in their final KCSE exams) had doubled since I had last been there, and had held steady at that level for the last 3 years.

EPAfrica Volunteer on revisiting their partner school 7 years later

I am now able to work after dark, and this will help me get the grade that I want!

Female student at one of our partner schools

The installation of water has been something that we have been wanting for a long time, but couldn’t afford. Water shortage has been a problem for a while with the number of boarders we have.

Partner School Headteacher

We currently work with schools surrounding Kisii and Kakamega in western Kenya and Mbarara in western Uganda.

Our Impact in the UK

As well as benefitting our schools in East Africa, volunteering with EPAfrica also has a profound impact on our UK volunteers and their personal development and future careers.
Volunteering with EPAfrica has given me huge amounts of confidence. I was amazed at the level of responsibility I was given as a Project Worker
EPAfrica Alumni
My experience with EPAfrica forms a critical part of my resume and directly helped me secure a job at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office
EPAfrica Alumni
The personal development opportunities are vast and it can be a really informative and life-changing experience
EPAfrica Alumni
Out of our alumni:

91% include volunteering for EPAfrica on their CV. From running support projects during the summer in East Africa, to joining the Alumni Mentoring Scheme or central charity, EPAfrica offers an extraordinary opportunity to grow and learn.

82% agreed that their experience with EPAfrica has helped them to reach life or careers goals

59% agreed that volunteering with EPAfrica has helped go on to get a specific job

Case Studies

Read more about our work in action.

Creating a Library: Emithia Secondary School

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Introduction Ematiha Secondary School is a mixed sex day school located in a stunning, hilly area of Kakamega […]