This week we return to Kisii, where our Project Workers have been working in their schools for the past three weeks. During this time they have been exploring their communities, getting to know their schools and trying to understand the issues that the schools face. Here we will focus on just one of the six EPAfrica schools in Kisii, St Dominic Rusinga. Situated a short walk from the village of Igare, St Dominic Rusinga is a small school of just 180 students. The dedication of the staff and enthusiasm of the students has meant the grades have been steadily increasing despite the school’s limited resources. In 2013, the school entered into a partnership with EPAfrica in order to help facilitate the expansion of their teaching materials. In the first year of investment Project Workers focused on the renovation of the library. By constructing secure shelves, investing in furniture, and increasing the stock of textbooks, they created an accessible workspace used by both staff and students throughout the day. They began a project of upgrading the basic laboratory facilities by investing in furniture and implementing a water system to allow for more frequent science practicals.
This year’s Project Workers, Emma and Claire, have built upon the first year of investment by installing piped gas to the laboratory, repairing the floor and increasing the stock of equipment available for practicals. Their investments so far have enabled students to undertake a greater variety of science practicals and thus enhance their understanding. Having just received funding from the EPAfrica Water Central Pot, funded by our many kind sponsors, the school will be able to invest in a water tank to improve students’ access to safe drinking water. Whilst resource investment is a significant aspect of the project, Project Workers are also working on some of the more intangible aspects of the school’s development. This includes organising a careers day with speakers from a variety of further education institutions, arranging a health day to improve student awareness of health and sanitation issues and enhancing the extra-curricular activities of the school through inter-form football and netball tournaments. With five more weeks left in their schools, there is still plenty to be done at St Dominic Rusinga. All the Project Workers have been planning some exciting projects with their schools and we will continue to follow their progress throughout the summer.
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