Highlights from KEP Annual General Meeting 2012

KEP’s 2012 AGM was held on Saturday 23rd June, kindly hosted by Steve at BBC Broadcasting House (with the additional bonus of a pre-AGM tour of the TV studios!).   

We started with Buffy giving an overview of KEP’s activities over the past year, the highlight being the success of Summer 2011 with 38 PWs enjoying a safe and productive summer working in schools across Kisii and a new Kenyan site: Kakamega. Building on that success, KEP expanded to Kings College London, and and 4 PWs from there will be joining a 42 strong contingent of PWs across both sites in Kenya this Summer. In addition to this, following a piece of expansion research was undertaken in March, the MC and Board have endorsed the recommendation to expand to Mbarara in Uganda in Summer 2013.   

Buffy also highlighted the successes of the UK organisation this year, with the SC becoming a 6-man strong MC, and the Board expanding to 6 members. Our public face was also refreshed, with a new website, intranet refresh, and lots of facebook & twitter activity!   

The AGM then moved on to financial matters, with Tom presenting KEP’s accounts – the highlight being that KEP invested £67,000 in Kenyan schools in 2011, up from £45,000 in the previous Summer.   The Board of Trustee elections followed. Matt and Tom are one year into a two year term, so remain in post. Becs was re-elected as a Trustee until June 2014, with Steve, Buffy and Shalini ratified as Trustees to the end of 2013.   Finally, two new ‘Members’ of KEP were voted in. Individuals are commonly eligible for Membership if they have served two years on the MC, or one year on the MC with ongoing involvement, or have made some other significant contribution to KEP at the Board’s discretion. Members are eligible to vote at AGMs, and stand for Board of Trustee positions. Congratulations to Anna Spinks, and Liz Gunstone, who were voted in as Members of KEP.