Photo Tour of Kakamega!

EPAfrica Project Workers spend most of the summer living in rural areas where our schools are located. However, Project Managers and Coordinators are based in a town nearby, and Project Workers are free to come back here to buy supplies, rest, and meet up at the central house. Take a look through our photo tour of Kakamega Town, one of these central sites!

Kakamega Town Centre


Tour Africa, our favourite eating spot! Fantastic meals and delicious mandazi, a sweet treat to have with Kenyan tea.


Neighbouring Tour Africa is the famous Juice Lady, who serves the tastiest drinks in town.


More fantastic food, clothing and any number of other things can be found in Kakamega’s various markets…        

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…and whatever can’t be found there is bound to be available in Tuskys, Kakamega’s best supermarket.



Mitra Enterprises is a regular hardware supplier for our project workers, with great prices and friendly owners…


…and if we need textbooks, Safi is the best place to go!


A two minute walk from all this, and we’re headed back towards the lush Kenyan countryside. IMG_20160815_082138

We love Kakamega!
