Become a fundraising associate
The Fundraising Committee will meet (virtually) as a group once a month and is chaired by the Director of Fundraising, who sits on the Board of Directors. The committee consists of Managers, Officers and Associates and will include members of the University Societies who have responsibilities for fundraising. Managers and Officers have a defined portfolio of responsibilities that they lead and coordinate. These roles are a great opportunity to make an impact on a defined area. Associates responsibilies are more fluid, and they volunteer flexibily on specific project throughout the year.
You can join the Fundraising Committee’s ‘Pool’ as a Fundraising Associate. As an Associate, you will volunteer flexibly throughout the year, committing to a variety of activities in the short-term on an ad-hoc basis. Associates attend monthly committee meetings, and volunteer for specific task as their availability allows. This model enables the Fundraising Committee to deploy volunteers responsively to grab opportunities and quickly address any emerging issues or risks.
The Committee will delegate self-contained projects to the pool, such as a grant application, but you will also find yourself supporting Managers and Officers at key points in the year when the delivery of their responsibilities require all hands on deck – for example during crowdfunding campaigns. Lastly, sometimes more heads on a problem means a better result and each Committee has a number of sub-working groups addressing those more complex area, which you can also join.
If you join the fundraising pool as a Fundraising Associate you could be working on….
Crowdfunding Campaigns
Promoting and mobalising support for our Christmas and central pots crowdfunding campaigns
Preparing Grant Applications
Using your writting and programme design skills to support the preparation of a specifiic grant applications.
Supporting volunteer fundraising
Preparing support and guidance for Project Workers, Summer Team and other volunteers who want to fundraise for EPAfrica.
Fundraising Events
Organising fundraising events such as black-tie parties, (half) marathons, Tough Mudders, skydives alumni dinners and the annual BBQ
Donor reports
Using copywriting, analytics and design skills to help prepare report for donors, ranging from the annual report to more technical grant reports.
RAG Campaigns
Supporting our partnership with Oxford RAG, and building relationships with other RAG societies.